Spotlight: Katie Pieper, Partner, Senior Wealth Advisor
As we honor women's achievements globally, we're grateful for all the talented women professionals who help make Composition Wealth a truly outstanding place to work.
Katie Pieper, Partner, Senior Wealth Advisor, Composition Wealth
What led you to this industry/field?
I started in this industry as a sales assistant (as it was known then) for my first "real" job out of college. I was encouraged by a friend to apply for the position but knew nothing about securities. What impressed me from the start was the solid relationships the advisor had with all his clients and the trust they had in him. This was long before financial planning was the norm, and everything was transactional, but he held their needs close. I moved from this position pretty quickly and became a sort of student of the various parts of the market. I worked in capital markets, as an analyst, and in marketing/sales before eventually moving to an advisor role 15 years into my career. It was exciting, though not always fun, learning all the aspects of how this industry pieces together and eventually coming back to my beginnings of working with clients directly.
What are you most passionate about?
I have loved watching the industry evolve over the years... in general, I believe it has been very positive. Having gone from brokering transactions to sitting side-by-side with clients helping them plan and understand that money is the tool to help them achieve their goals, not the goal itself. Planning with clients and seeing those plans come to fruition is my passion.
What advice would you give to a woman starting in this industry today?
Learn from everything you do and trust your instinct. This industry is constantly evolving, so stay aware of the changes. Don't be afraid to ask questions or for help. These are not signs of weakness but rather working smart. And most importantly, listen to your clients - their stories will lead you to the best plan for them because the stories reveal their priorities, fears, and passions and form the foundation for long-term relationships.
Who are your role models or mentors who have inspired you?
My mother and father built the foundations of honesty, hard work, compassion, and trust on which I was able to grow and try to emulate always. I have also been fortunate to work for and with many good people who taught me well. From my first position, I learned how to gain and maintain client trust; from another supervisor, I learned how I should read as much as I can, and not just the WSJ; from strong women managers and traders, I learned that being smart was more powerful than might; and from partnerships, I learned that being complementary versus competitive led to positive outcomes. Finally, my clients inspire me every day with their family values, philanthropic giving, and so many lives well-lived.